Sunday, July 25, 2010

woops!! this is day 4... the one below is day 5... sorry!!

Today was a lot of fun, waking up early, eating a full breakfast and immediately loading onto the bus. We went back to the national museum that was across the street from the mint we went to yesterday. Inside, we watched a performance on our nation’s history, had a lot of fun posing with statues of the Constitution’s signers, and bought fun souvenirs at the gift shop. Then, it was back on the bus. We watched Avatar on our way to Washington DC, and before we knew it, the Capitol Building was looming in the distance. We parked on a curb and got ready to tour the Smithsonian Museum. After five hours of touring the Museums of Nature, American History, Art, and Air and Space. “The American Museum was showed the evolvement of technology in our country such as cars and movies, and was very interesting to explore,” says Evan Secrist. Our next destination was dinner in China Town. “Dinner was delicious and I found it interesting to visit China Town,” comments Trevor Osaki. Tired after our full meal, we had one last destination for the day, the WWII memorial. 812 showed our respect to all those who helped defend our country and got amazing views of the surroundings. “Overall the day was totally awesome,” says an excited Craig Dean.

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