Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The end of one journey;the beginning of another. We woke up earlier than usual because we had a packed morning. We ate in twenty minutes and rushed to the bus. We took a short drive to the Arlington Cemetery where we saw the ceremony of the changing of the guards at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier. "I think it is cool that the army has come up with ways to remember those who fought for our freedom even when others fail to have a similar appreciation. After the cemetery, we went back to DC to visit the Capitol Building and the Library of congress. That was only our morning though. It was back on the bus and off to Virginia to meet up with the 40,000 other scouters for the 2010 Jamboree. We rolled into camp at 4:00 PM and all we did was go go go, unloading the trailer and setting up camp. We were unable to finish our gateway due to time requirements. It was dark when we finally went to bed, and everyone went to sleep, exhausted from the day.
Note: the wifi at Jamboree is agonizingly slow... i will do my best to stay on top of this blog... thanks!!

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