Friday, July 23, 2010

a full first day...

Motivation check!...

Motivation check!?.... meh…

It was an early morning for the members of 812, organizing 40 boys at 4AM. After receiving their new neckerchiefs, woggles, and name pins, the boys threw their bags under the bus, did a quick count off, and piled into the bus, waving goodbye to the parents.

The bus arrived at LAX on time and boarding passes were distributed to the boys. Security check! Check!! And the boys of 812 met up with 813 as they waited to board the plane. Half way through the boarding, 812 SPL realized he lost his ticket. In his frantic search through his bags, he was unable to find it. He retraced his steps and luckily found his pass at the security check.

All the Scouts were finally in their seats and the plane took off. The flight was smooth and after the four hour flight, everyone was ready to jump into the tour.

Today we visited Trinity Chapel, drove through the Lincoln tunnel, viewed Ground Zero, and topped off the day by going to the observation deck on the Empire State Building. From the 86th floor, we could see the Statue of Liberty and Central Park.

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