Thursday, July 29, 2010

a rainy day....

Today seemed loads more exciting than yesterday. Rory Strong was just one of the busy scouts with a packed day. He started the day at snorkeling. "I didn't find any souvenirs at the bottom of the pool, but it was fun anyway, " he says. He then traveled to the military areas, "but [he] turned back to camp to get our of the random thunder storm. It poured for half an hour, trapping everyone at their stations. Trevor Osaki was stuck at the conservation area while touring the site in the forest area. "I never thought I would huddle around a fan in the middle of a rainstorm," Trevor laughed. Like every other day, patch trading remained huge in camp, and the OCC patches continued to be a big hit.
I am updating this blog in the middle of a storm!! good night!!


  1. Hi Alex!! Great pics, video and blog. When you get a chance can you take some gateway pictures? A troop picture in front of the gateway would be cool. Patrol pictures too. The other OCC gateways too please. Also, more video interviews if you get a chance. Love you!!

  2. Enjoying your blog from Seattle -- more rainy there than here! Do some more cool videos, and definitely some pics of the gateway. Which, BTW, is the absolute best most ROCKIN' gateway of them all!
