Sunday, May 2, 2010


The one word to describe the setup is: teamwork. The Troops rolled in a various times, some early in the afternoon, some late in the evening. The one thing all of them had in common was that every single Scout worked hard to help get their campsites ready to show off. We wanted to finish before the sun set, but after that, we were motivated "so we didn't have to worry about it during our events," Hayden Hall commented.

All the OC Troops had different approaches on camp layout. Some experienced Scouts set up the shade shelters in an hour, but some "set ours up for the first time. It took almost four hours," said Nick Nazari of T-824. With the camp just steps away from completion, the Troops went to sleep for the night.

Saturday morning the Troops woke up for reveille. After a quick breakfast, Scouts went back to work for the final details on the campsite. As Trevor Osaki mentions, "Because all the Scouts in our Troop worked together toward a common goal, we were able to set up our site in an efficient manner."

Then came the fun part of the weekend; the Events. With no schedule of what to do when, all the patrols went to town, having fun while working their way through all the activities. "I have a bump from when the helmet hit me, but it was crazy fun!," says Scout Zach Caudill after walking away from Pillow Jousting. At the set time, patrols lined up for shotgun shooting, which was the most fun activity for the majority of the camp. "I hit eight of the ten shots," commented Taylor Baudoin after one of his best rounds.

Reflecting back on the weekend, "I am proud of how fast we set up camp, and despite a few setbacks with our equipment, we did a pretty awesome job. There are times in this Troop where leadership is not necessary because the patrols have become teams and with their teamwork they are fully functional, completing tasks on time and having fun," says Matthew Bicakci, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

Troop 812 had a great weekend and we are not the only ones who think so. The Troop won awards for the participation in the Cleanest Camp, an award for WINNING the Best Campsite, and the Best Patrol Yell. Finally, the award that should have been handed out but wasn't is the "best hamburger award." Mr. Mac would have won this hands down with his Scotty Mac puts the McDonald's Big Mac to shame! "The Best Set of Wheels Award" definitely goes to Evan!

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