Sunday, April 11, 2010

Troop Equipment Gets A Paint Job

Yesterday, Troop members arrived bright and early for painting. We unloaded all the boards for the entrance gate out of the shed, as well as the gear boxes and patrol boxes. We propped the individual pieces against the shed, pulled out the paint, and started to apply the first layer of primer to the planks. As many were hard at work on the gateway, two boys from each patrol primed their patrol boxes. With the first layer complete and the brushes clean, we moved on to the second layer of color. As it turned out, all the patrol leaders, except for Los Guerreros, decided to paint their boxes blue ☻. The rest of the gateway was painted tan. After the second layer, we all went back one last time for a touch-up layer on all the boxes, legs, planks... everything. With the painting complete, the Troop was dismissed after a few hours of fun, hardworking painting.